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黄依柱,彭建肆 |
浏览次数 35959
(益阳师范高等专科学校 体育部,湖南 益阳413049) 摘要:阐述了古巴国家的特殊社会体制与排球环境,分析了其后备队伍的选拔与培养途径,论述了教练员对排球运动的高深认识与科学训练,从而揭示了古巴女排长盛不衰的非竞技因素以及对中国排球运动的借鉴意义。 关键词:古巴女排;社会制度; 后备队伍; 教练员 中图分类号:G842.975.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0139-03 |
Analyzing the hidden indefectible factors of Cuba female volleyball HUANG Yi-zhu,PENG Jian-si |
(Department of Physical Education,Yiyang Teachers College,Yiyang 413049,China) Abstract: Since the 1990 Cuba Women Volleyball Team has won eight successive world tittles. This paper discusses the special social system and situation of the volleyball game in Cuba, analyzes the training and selecting approaches of subathletes, and points out that the coaches have deep understanding of volleyball sports and its scientific training. Based on this, the hidden indefectible factors of Cuba female volleyball team are revealed. Key words: Cuba female volleyball team; social system; sub-athletes; coaches |
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