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钱雯,杨少锋 |
浏览次数 36339
(首都体育学院 研究生部,北京 100088) 摘要:在北京市两个区共18所小学进行小学生健身工程的实验,为当前北京市小学体育教学内容的改革提供了一个新的思路,同时也为解决我国小学生体能和运动能力下降,有效增强学生运动能力提供了新的视角和方法。活动内容不仅符合小学生的身心发展的实际需要,而且具有可行性、安全性和有效性,并为创编《学校体操》提供了分类方法和内容的框架。小学生健身工程活动内容既可以调动体育教师和学生“教”与“学”的积极性、主动性,而且能够充分发挥师生的能动性和创造性。 关键词:小学生; 健身工程; 运动能力; 教学效果; 北京 中图分类号:G812.71;G812.5文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0108-03 |
Research on fitness project for primary students in Beijing QIAN Wen, YANG Shao-feng |
QIAN Wen, YANG Shao-feng (Graduate Department,Capital Institute of Physical Education ,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: The authors develop an experiment in 18 primary schools of B eijing.Through questionnaire and statistics,the authors proved that the fitness project for primary students provides a new method for physical education innova tion in Beijing,it also provides a new view and methodology for solving the pro blem of decreasing of physical fitness of primary students.The physical activiti es not only accord with the actual needs of the physical and mental development of primary students,but also possess feasibility,security and validity,and provi de sorting method for creating “school gymnastics”.The project can mobilize th e positivity of physical education teachers and pupils,and can exert the activit y and creativity of them.It gains good teaching effect in the primary experiment and high evaluation of the schools. Key words:primary students; Fitness project; sport ability; teaching effect; Beijing |
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