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潘凌云 |
浏览次数 3650
(江南大学 体育系,江苏 无锡214036) 摘要:反思是教师自我发展的重要途径,对于提高教师专业化水平有重要意义。通过对体育教师的“教学生活”进行审视,可以发现体育教师存在着反思的缺失,主要表现在:体育教师的“物化”、体育教学技术化、日常化等。体育教师要成为“反思型实践者”,应该将反思作为一种新的思维方式,渗透于日常学习、工作、生活之中;讲究科学的反思方法;善于记录、剖析关键事件;注重系统的理论学习。 关键词:体育教师; 反思型教师; 专业发展 中图分类号:G8070文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)06-0078-04 |
The background and strategy for transformation into a retrospective type physical education teacher PAN Lingyun |
(Department of Physical Education,Southern Yangtze University,Wuxi 214036,China) Abstract:Retrospecting is an important way to the self-development of teachers,having an important meaning in boosting the level of professionalization of teachers.By examining the “teaching life” of physical education teachers,the author discovered that retrospecting is missing in physical education teachers,which is shown in such phenomena as physical education teachers having been “materialized” and physical education teaching having been technicalized and routinized. To become a “retrospective type practitioner”, physical education teachers should employ retrospecting as a new thinking manner to all aspects in their daily learning,work and life, pay particular attention to scientific retrospecting methods,be good at recording and analyzing key events,and value systematic study of theories. Key words:physical education teacher; retrospective type teacher; professional development |
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