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马小弟1,凌晓东1,朱雪辉1,邱建中1,吴立1,郭玉芬1,孙强国1 陆萍1,黄莺1,苗凤藻2,徐本力2,金斌贝2,谢香道3,王谨4 |
浏览次数 21648
(1. 上海高桥中学(西校),上海200137;2. 上海体育学院,上海200438; 3. 同济大学,上海200000;4. 延安中学,上海200000) 摘要:选择初中一年级学生为研究对象,将其分为强化左侧肢体体育训练为主的实验班和按常规以右侧肢体训练为主的对照班进行了为期近1 年的实验。通过合理安排体育教学内容、方法和手段对儿童少年运动和智力潜能的开发和儿童健康成长的影响进行研究探讨。对实验前后各项运动处方指标,心、智能力及学习成绩的综合测试和统计结果发现:强化左侧肢体体育训练的实验班,在左、右和双侧肢体运动技能、智力、心理和学习成绩上,以及运动技能与智力和学习成绩的相关性上,均比以强化右侧肢体体育训练为主的对照班明显的要高。这表明均衡地发展双侧肢体运动技能,更快、更好地开发儿童少年运动和智力潜能,培养“全脑型”人,是当前中学体育教育改革的一项重要任务。 关键词:少年;潜能开发;左侧肢体;运动技能;智力;学习成绩 中图分类号:G80 - 05;G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006 - 7116(2002)01 - 0081 - 03 |
About exploiting junior high school students’potential of sports and mind MA Xiao - di1,LING Xiao - dong1,ZHU Xue - hui1,et al |
(1. Shanghai Gaoqiao Middle School,Shanghai 200137,China;2. Shanghai PE College,Shanghai 200438,China; 3.Dongji University,Shanghai 200000,Chian;4.Yanan Middle School,Shanghai 200000,China) Abstract:One-grade students of junior high school are randomly divided into two groups,namely experimental class and control class. The experimental class trained mainly their left body for one year while control class trained their right body. The aim is to research how to exploit the children’potential of sports and mind and its effect on children’s growth by arranging teaching content,methods and means of PE rationally. Intelligence and learning score of subject are measured pre- and after experiment. The results shows that both left and right body’s motor skill,intelligence and learning score of experimental class is higher than that of the control class,so is the relativity among motor skill,intelligence and learning score. It suggests that developing the motor skill of bilaterial limbs,exploiting the children’s potential of sports and mind better,and fostering the“full-brain”person are an important task for present PE reform in middle school. Key words:youngster;potential exploiture;left - side body;motor skill;intelligence;learning score |
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