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苗治文1,秦椿林2 |
浏览次数 36214
(1.辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连116029; 2北京体育大学,北京100084)摘要:以2001年全国群众体育调查数据库为资源,在当代社会背景下对我国体育人口结构进行分析。研究发现,体育人口的每一结构由于受诸多社会因素影响,呈现出明显的时代特征:性别结构男性高于女性;地域结构城市高于农村、东部高于西部;年龄结构呈现两端高中间低的“马鞍型”等等。经过研究指出,欲求改善体育人口结构以及群众体育的快速发展,应以当代中国社会背景为参照系,对影响体育的社会问题进行分析,并指出国家政策对社会问题的解决是体育人口结构改善的突破口。 关键词:体育人口结构;社会学分析;中国 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0119-03
Sociological analysis of contemporary Chinese sports population structures MIAO Zhi-wen1, QIN Chun-lin2 |
(1.College of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029,China; 2.Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: Basing their resource on nationwide public sports survey database in 2001,the authors analyzed Chinese sports population structures,and revealed the following findings:As affected by various social factors,each sports population structure presented obvious time characteristics,such as higher male population than female population in gender structure,higher urban population and rural population and higher eastern population than western population in regional structure,and age structure presented a “saddle type” distribution in which high population was shown at both ends. Based on their study,the author pointed out that sport affecting social issues should be thoroughly analyzed by basing the reference system on contemporary Chinese social background,so as to improve sports population structure and speed up the development of public sports.The authors also pointed out that resolution of social issues by state policies was the key to the improvement of sports population structures. Key words: sports population structures; sociology analysis; China
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