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吴树斌 |
浏览次数 36146
(澳门理工学院,澳门) 摘要:对建立符合澳门地区社会水平与澳门实际情况的“社区体育发展模式”进行了研究。研究认为:(1)在构建澳门社区体育发展模式的过程中,首先应完善社区体育组织体系。建立组织网络系统,充分发挥各级社区体育组织的功能作用,提高组织管理水平,建立一支稳定的、具有一定专业水平的社区体育指导队伍;(2)目前澳门劳工阶层与平民大众因受各种因素、条件的影响和限制,不能积极参加或无法参加社区体育活动;(3)体育场地设施的建设与使用,未能配合到社区体育的发展。对现有的体育资源,应予充分利用和开发;(4)加强与其它体育形态的合作,在互补的基础上相互支持,以求共同发展。 关键词:社区体育;社区体育服务;体育社会化;体育生活化;澳门 中图分类号:G812.765.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)06-0028-04 |
Research on the development model of community sport in Macau WU Shu-bin |
(Macau Polytechnic Institute,Macau,China) Abstract: At present,it’s necessary to probe the establishment of development model on community sport, which should be conformed to the social standard and reality in Macao.The conclusion:(1)In the process of establishing development model on community sport in Macao, we should improve the organizational system about community sport, set up the Internet system for the organizations, bring the function of the organizations of the community sport at all levels into full play, raise the management level of the organizations, and establish steady, professional mass sports structors group for the community sport;(2)At present,influenced and restricted by many factors and conditions, the worker class and masses in Macao can’t or have no way to actively take part in the sports activities in the community;(3)The establishment and use of the sport facilities has failed to cooperate with the development of community sport. And the available sport resources haven’t been used and developed efficiently;(4)To enhance the cooperation between community sport and other sport forms, and to support each other on the basis of supplement, we should make them develop together. Key words: community sport;service of community sports;socialization sports; sport lifestyle formation; Macau |
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