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李希周1,何美娟2 |
浏览次数 36004
(1浙江省衢州一中 体育组,浙江 衢州324000;2浙江省巨化中学 体育组,浙江 巨化324004) 摘要:中学体育教学中的“拔河现象”是指在体育教学中师生间的一种矛盾现象。它的产生主要有大纲、教材对体育教学的制约;师生对体育教学所追求的目标的差距;体育教学改革的力度不大等原因。因而解决“拔河现象”必须要在体育教学中牢固树立以人为本的思想,充分发挥学生在体育教学中的主体作用;体育教学大纲、教材宜多纲多本;要更新观念,改变教法,加大体育教学改革的力度;初中体育教学游戏化,高中体育教学选项化,是一种可供选择的体育教学模式。 关键词:体育教学;“拔河现象”;中学 中图分类号:G807.3;G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)05-0113-03 |
The “Tug-of War Phenomenon”of physical education in middle school LI Xi-zhou1, HE Mei-juan2 |
(1.Quzhou NO.1 Middle School,Quzhou 324000,China; 2.Juhua Middle Shool,Juhua 324004,China) Abstract: The “Tug-of War Phenomenon” of physical education refers to the contradiction between teachers and students in PE classes in middle schools. The main causes are as fellows: the restrictions from syllabus and teaching materials, different goals that teachers and students have been seeking in PE classes and the weakness of the reform in PE Therefore the collusion of the contradiction calls for new thoughts that class teaching bases on students, new teaching methods, further research in studying methods and deep reform of physics education.It is a recommend pattern of PE classes that in junior school games are stressed and in senior school more programmers are provide for different choices. Key words: physical education;Tug-of War Phenomenon;middle school |
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