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李晴慧1,郭郁文2 |
浏览次数 36237
(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631;2.北京体育大学,北京100084) 摘要:实现中国体育的社会化必须依靠体育社团。这是中国体育体制改革的必然要求,符合现代体育运动自身发展规律,也是解决目前我国体育事业发展中遇到的一系列问题的途径。当前我国体育社团的发展取得了一定成绩,同时也存在着很多问题,绝大多数体育社团并不具备完整意义上的社团性质。阻碍社团发展的原因是多方面的,其关键就是权力与利益的分配问题。 关键词:体育社团;体制改革;体育社会化 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)03-0138-03 |
Physical league and the system reformation of physical education in China LI Qing-hui1,GUO Yu-wen2 |
(1.Institute of Physical Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China;2.Beijing University of Physical Education, Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The realization of socialization of physical reformation relies on the physical league, which is the demand necessarily to the system reformation in China,because it accords with the rule of contemporary athletic sports development itself as well as the way to resolve the difficulties during the development of physical enterprises in our country. There are a great many achievements as well as problems now days for our physical leagues, for most of them are not provided with the necessary characters that must have. There are various reasons that block the leagues’ development and the key is the distribution of profit and power. Key words: physical league; system reformation; physical socialization |
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