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潘明1,鲁月强2 |
浏览次数 36381
(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631; 2.曲阜师范大学 公体部,山东 曲阜273165) 摘要:陶行知(1891—1946)是我国伟大的教育家,他提出了以生活教育为基础、以终身教育为纲的人民教育理论,健康教育是其人民教育理论的重要组成部分。陶行知一贯重视健康教育,奉行“健康第一”的原则,提出了健康教育的手段和方法,包括注重身体运动、用卫生代替医生、注重饮食营养的调节与改进、坚持卫生教育以预防为主的方针、通过合理的生活制度来达到健康等。陶行知的健康教育思想对目前的学校教育改革具有现实指导意义,学校教育必须树立“健康第一”的指导思想,才能使青少年的身心得到全面健康成长,才能为提高全民族的素质奠定基础。 关键词:陶行知;健康教育;健康第一 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)03-0129-03
Studies on TAO Xing-zhi health education thought PAN Ming1, LU Yue-qiang2 |
(1.Institute of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;2.Public Division of Physical Education,Qufu Normal University,Qufu 273165,China) Abstract: TAO Xing-zhi (1891-1946)is an eminent educator of China. He put forward the theory on people education which based on life education and life-long education. Health education is a most part of his people education theory. TAO Xing-zhi attached importance to the health education all long and pursued the principle of “health first”.He put forward the method of health education,including attaching importance to exercise ,taking the place of medcine by health,paying attention to the improve of the diet and nutrition etc.To study the thought may actually direct our work,such as the reform of education. Key words: TAO Xing-zhi; health education; health first |
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