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王学锋,田玫 |
浏览次数 36457
(山东大学 体育部,山东 济南250100) 摘要:毛泽东早年在《体育之研究》所谈的体育是指通过身体运动,不断增强与完善人类体质的健身教育(Physical Education),而不是指少数人参加的,以取胜为内涵以追求功利为目的的运动竞技教育(Sports Education)。运动是指以增强人的体质,提高人的健康水平为目的的、讲究实效的健身运动,而不是那种追求“更快、更高、更强”,供人们观赏娱乐的竞技运动和形艺、技艺运动。并明确指出,体育教师的价值与业绩应在全民健身事业建设上去取得。关键词:体育;毛泽东体育思想;运动竞技教育 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)03-0007-03 |
What is the real meaning of physical education——Rereading “The Study of Physical Education” WANG Xue-feng,TIAN Mei |
(Department of Physical Education,Shandong University,Jinan 250100,China) Abstract:“The Study of Physical Education” by MAO Ze-dong,points out the real meaning of physical education that it is a fitness education through which an individual obtains optimal physical fitness through physical activity ,not a sport education.The exercise which Mao Zedong emphasizes in his article is fitness exercise and not sport athetics exercise. The author thinks the value and the outstanding achievement of P.E teacher should be acquired in the building nation fitness cause. Key words: physical education;MAO Ze-dong thought of physical education;sports education |
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