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范晓燕,孙学川,邓伟明 |
浏览次数 36147
(解放军体育学院,广东 广州510500) 摘要:借助于体能运动训练计算机实时监测技术和动态数理分析方法,初步建立了一套主要面向教练员,含有5大类127项量化具体指标的体能训练课生理负荷量的现场分析方法、指标体系,以及相应的训练分析报告,丰富了运动员体能训练和心肺机能评定的指标体系,为进一步提高体能运动训练的科学化程度和运动员体能状况的评价提供了方法学上的参考。 关键词:体能训练;生理负荷量;现场分析;训练评估方法 中图分类号:G804.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)01-0113-04 |
Tentative study on on-the-spot analysis reports on physiological workloads in athlete's PWC training FAN Xiao-yan, SUN Xue-chuan, DENG Wei-ming |
(PLA Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: By means of computer's realtime monitoring technique and the methods of dynamical math analysis on physical working capacity(PWC)training,it is established mainly for the coaches in the study that the onthespot analysis methods,index system and,which consists of 5 kinds of indexes,and 127 parameters.The study richened the index system for athlete's PWC training and the evaluation of the cardiopulmonary functions,and provided a methodological reference for raising scientific level of PWC training and the assessment of athlete's PWC conditions. Key words:PWC training;physiological workload;on the spot analysis;method for training evaluation |
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