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张琴1,曾芃1,黄玉山1,毛昌全2 |
浏览次数 36264
(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631;2.广州市恒福路中学,广东 广州510095) 摘要:根椐初中生的发育规律和不同的爱好特点,分别设计8套运动处方,每天利用课外活动时间有组织地锻炼40 min,每周3次,共实验8周,强度为准备活动后心率达到100次/min,基本部分平均心率达到140次/min。实验结果表明,不同的运动处方能影响初中生不同的生理机能、运动素质和身体形态指标,为探索如何开展初中生的健身运动提供理论依据,为全民健身计划的实施提供参考。 关键词:初中生;运动处方;全民健身 中图分类号:G806 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)01-0087-04 |
Application and design of exercise prescription for junior high school student ZHANG Qin1,ZEN Pong1,HUANG Yu-shan1,MAO Chang-quan2 |
(1.Institute of Physical Education,South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China; 2.The Henfu Middle School,Guangzhou 510095,China) Abstract: According to the junior high school students' growing rule and their interests,eight exercise prescriptions are designed.The students practise the prescription 40 min.per day,three days a week for 8 weeks.The results show that the different exercise prescription has different effect on students' physique,function and quality and it provides reference for carrying out the National Fitness program of the National Sports Committee of China. Key words: the junior high school students;exercise prescription;national fitness |
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