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胡小明 |
浏览次数 36808
(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631) 摘要:中国的竞技运动在改革开放后大放异彩,但其体制却是计划经济体制下为政治服务的产物,它在市场经济条件下将发生的改变——从中央集权到政府调控;从花钱到挣钱;从充当“工具”到制造“玩具”。 关键词:中国体育;竞技运动;改革开放 中图分类号: G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)01-0001-0 |
System of centralization to be changed HU Xiao-ming |
(Institute of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: There are great achievements in Chinese sports after the opening and reforming. However its system was resulted from the planned economy and its major aim was to serve the politics. The old system will be changed in the market economy——from control by central government to by local government, from financial allowance to payoff, and from one political tool to people’s entertainment. Key words: Chinese sports; athletics; the opening and reforming |
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