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顾伟农1,焦峪平2,郭荣3 |
浏览次数 36044
(广州体育学院 1排球教研室;2研究生部,广东 广州 510075;3华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:广州市民的体育健身意识强;全民健身工程得到广州市民的普遍欢迎,改善了人民群众的强身健体的条件;社区全民健身工程的场地、器材的配建及资金投入逐步完善;指出了实施全民健身工程中的问题;提出了未来发展的相应对策。 关键词:广州;社区;全民健身工程 中图分类号: G812.765.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0048-02 |
A survey and strateical study of national fitness program for city communities in Guangzhou GU Wei-nong1, JIAO Yu-ping1, GUO Rong2 |
(1.Teaching and Research Section of Vollegball;2.Graduate Department,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China;3.Institute of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract:The research wants to probe into the present condition of National Fitness Program for 26 communities in Guangzhou, by investigation, comparison and visition. The result shows that people in Guangzhou have relatively high consciousness for physical activities. National Fitness Program that helped improve people's exercising conditions was popular in Guangzhou.Measures for providing equipment and putting investment were being gradually consummated.The authors point out the problem of National Fitness Program and put forward the future's developing countermeasures. Key words:Guangzhou; communities; national fitness program |
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