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黄彦军 |
浏览次数 35943
(商丘师范学院 体育系,河南 商丘 476000) 摘要:通过对河南省开封市、商丘市和周口市社会体育指导员现状的问卷调查与走访,结果表明,这些地区社会体育指导员数量极少,年龄、文化层次、专业知识等方面存在较大问题。针对存在的问题提出了改进建议。 关键词:社会体育指导员; 河南省; 全民健身计划 中图分类号:G812.761 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)02-0043-03 |
The main factors of influencing instructors for social sports HUANG Yan-jun |
(Department of Physical Education,Shangqiu Normal College,Shangqiu 476000,China) Abstract: The paper analyses the present situation of instructors for social sports in Henan province by questionnaire and visiting.It is found that the number of instructors is small and their age, education and special knowledge is far beyond satisfaction.The suggestions are put forward finally. Key words: instructor for social sports; Henan Province; national fitness program |
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