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陆淳,刘静民,郑丽君,赖柳明,王俊华 |
浏览次数 36364
(清华大学 体育教研部,北京 100084) 摘要:通过《体质健康标准》智能化测试工作的组织与实施后发现,测试过程中少数教师对测试意义的认识还不够深刻;采用智能化测试,可准确、快捷、高效地获取检测数据与评价结果,减轻录入工作量,减少因人为因素而引起的输入错误;台阶试验测试滞后其它测试项目;用于采集测试数据的计算机最好放置在学生不能进入的地方;测试时间最好不要安排在冬季。建议将立定跳远测试移至体育课上由授课教师分散完成。 关键词:体质健康; 体质健康标准测试; 大学生 中图分类号:G812.37 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)05-0081-03 |
Organization and implementation of intelligence test on “Criteri on on Health of Constitution” for College students LU Chun, LIU Jing-min, ZHENG Li-jun, LAI Liu-ming, WANG Jun-hua |
(Department of Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 1 00084,China) Abstract: After the Organization and implementation of intelligence te st on “Criterion on Health of Constitution”,a few teachers still could not un derstand the importance of the test.The application of the intelligence test cou ld help us acquire the data and the assessment scores quickly and efficiently,th us reducing the burden of data-entry and the errors produced by human factors.St ep test lags behind other tests.The computers used to collect data should be pos itioned out of the students' access.Winter is not recommended to take tests in.A nd it is suggested that standing long jumping be tested in PE classes. Key words:health of constitution; test; students |
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