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宋 旭 |
浏览次数 3711
(安徽大学 体育教学部,安徽 合肥 230039) 摘 要:体育课程内容资源的开发和利用是体育课程改革的关键环节,具有多样性和特色性、价值潜在性与可开发性、功能多元性与可替代性及过程性与生成性的特点。体育课程资源的开发和利用,应紧紧围绕着满足学生的体育需要、满足学生的现实生活需要。游戏和劳动可以是体育课程资源开发的内容。 关 键 词:学校体育;游戏;劳动;课程资源 中图分类号:G807 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)03-0009-03 |
Rational thoughts about the development and utilization of content resources of physical education curriculum SONG Xu |
(Department of Physical Education,Anhui University,Hefei 230039,China) Abstract: The development and utilization of content resources of physical education curriculum is a critical link in physical education curriculum reform, having such characteristics as diversified, featured, value potential and developable, and function diversified, replaceable, process involved and producible. The development and utilization of content resources of physical education curriculum should be carried out closely for meeting students’ need for sport and for living in the reality. Games and labor can be the content of resource development of physical education curriculum. Key words: scholastic physical education; game; labor; resource of curriculum |
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