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周丽娟,李旺华 |
浏览次数 36218
(广州体育学院 武术系,广东 广州510075) 摘要:武术套路演练配上合适的音乐不但不失其技击性,而且使整套技术显得丰满而又有鲜明的风格特点,针对武术套路演练的特性和音乐的特性及其结合进行探讨。武术与音乐的结合应紧紧围绕“技击”这一特征,选择音乐时应结合运动员自身的技术风格特点,使动作节奏与音乐融为一体。 关键词:武术;技击;音乐
中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0061-02 |
Exploration of music matched martial art rehearsal under the new rules ZHOU Li-juan, LI Wang-hua |
(Wushu Department, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: Matching appropriate music with martial art rehearsal not only will not affect its attack and defense characteristics, but also will make the entire set of technique look full and provide it with distinctive characteristics of style. The authors analyzed and explored the characteristics of martial art rehearsal and its music. Key words: martial arts; attack and defense; music |
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