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汪爱丽 |
浏览次数 36079
(鲁东大学 体育学院,山东 烟台264025) 摘要:就排球经软化创生的几个主要项目在我国的开展状况、发展趋势,从文化学的视角,以各项目为切入点进行了评析,以利于我们对排球以及经软化后衍生的项目在文化的内涵上有更深的理解。 关键词:排球;轻体育;软化项目;文化学;中国 中图分类号:G842文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0114-03
Development of softened volleyball events in China WANG Ai-li |
(School of Physical Education of Ludong University,Yantai 264025,China) Abstract: From the perspective of cultural science and according to the events,the author reviewed the status and trend of development of several major events derived from softened volleyball,so that we would have a more profound understanding of volleyball and its derivative events from softened volleyball in terms of cultural connotation. Key words:volleyball; light sport; softened event; cultural science; China
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