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刘建国1,范秦海1,朱云波2等 |
浏览次数 36196
(1.河北师范大学 体育学院,河北 石家庄050016; 2.石家庄经济学院 体育部,河北 石家庄050016;3.华北电力大学 体育部,河北 保定071000; 4.唐山师院 体育系,河北 唐山063000) 摘要:作为体育文化亚文化之一的校园体育文化包括校园体育精神文化、物质文化、制度文化3方面。学习的压力使多数学生主动参加体育锻炼的积极性没有充分调动起来。学校体育文化的宣传力度不够,影响了对学生终身体育意识的引导,忽视体育是商品文化的教育。关键词:华北地区; 普通高校; 校园体育文化 中图分类号:G803文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0095-02 |
Current situation of and actions for the construction of campus sports spiritual culture in common colleges and universities in North China region LIU Jian-guo1, FAN Qin-hai1, ZHU Yun-bo2, LIU Xi-jia1, CUI Dong-xue1, ZHAO Qi-ling1, ZGAO Xian-zhi1, YUN Xin3,LU Ai-guo4 |
(1.College of Physical Education, North China Normal University, Shijiazhang 050016,China; 2.Depsrtment of Physical Education, Shijiazhang Economic Institute, Shijiazhang 050016,China; 3.Department of Physical Education, Hebei Eletricity University,Baoding 071000,China; 4.Department of Physical Education,Tangshan Teachers' Institute,Tangshan 063000,China) Abstract:Campus sports culture as one of the sub-cultures of sports culture includes such 3 aspects as campus sports spiritual culture,material culture and institutional culture. The pressure of learning results in that most students’ enthusiasm for initiatively participating in physical exercise is not fully aroused.The promotion of scholastic sports culture is inadequate,which has affected the guidance of lifetime sports consciousness for the students, and the education that sports are a commodity culture is neglected. Key words: North China region; common colleges and universities; campus sports culture
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