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赵焕彬1,王海涛1,刘彩绵1,钱雯2,高峰1,金凤霞1,张静1 |
浏览次数 36062
(1. 河北师范大学 体育学院,河北 石家庄050016; 2.首都体育学院,北京100088) 摘要:为探索适应21世纪的体育专业实验教学内容体系,采用问卷调查与专家访谈相结合的方法,对部分体育院校实验室现状进行了研究。结果表明实验室管理体制落后、实验仪器陈旧、实验人员结构不合理、实验课依附于理论课、综合设计性实验偏少。提出转变实验室管理体制,加强实验队伍建设,建立与理论课程相对独立的实验教学体系。 关键词:实验室; 实验课; 体育院校 中图分类号:G8074文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0085-03 |
Current situation and measures for development of laboratories and experimental courses in colleges of physical education ZHAO Huan-bin1,WANG Hai-tao1,LIU Cai-mian1, QIAN Wen2,GAO Feng1,JIN Fengxia1, ZHANG Jing1 |
(1.College of Physical Education,Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016,China;2.Capital Institute of Physical Education, Beijing 100088,China) Abstract: To probe into a system adapted to the contents of experimental teaching for physical education specialty in the 21st century, the authors studied the current situation of laboratories of part of colleges of physical education by means of questionnaire survey coupled with expert interview, and revealed the following findings: The laboratory management systems were out of date; the laboratory instruments were obsolete; the structure of laboratory personnel was irrational; the experimental courses were attached to theoretical courses; the number of experiments for comprehensive design was too few. The authors offered the following suggestions: The laboratory management systems should be changed; the construction of laboratory teams should be strengthened; an experimental teaching system relatively independent of theoretical courses should be established. Key words: laboratory; experimental courses; colleges of physical education
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