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姚鸿恩1,李宗珊2,荣湘江1,周军1 |
浏览次数 36022
(1.首都体育学院 运动人体科学系,北京100088; 2.北京体育科学研究所,北京100075) 摘要:对运动人体科学专业的培养目标、课程设置、师资队伍、教材建设和学生就业等进行调查研究。结果显示:多数院校的培养目标与1998年教育部颁布的《普通高等学校本科专业目录和专业介绍》中所提出的目标吻合;课程设置在各院校的差异较大,专业教材建设滞后;师资的职称结构、学历结构及年龄结构较为合理,但需优化知识结构;学生的就业形势不太理想,需根据市场需求,加大宣传力度。 关键词:运动人体科学专业;办学现状;专业课程设置;中国 中图分类号:G812.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0082-03 |
Survey and study of current situation of education in human body kinetic science specialty (regular college course) in China YAO Hong-en1, LI Zhong-shan2, RONG Xiang-jiang1, ZHOU Jun1 |
(1.Department of Human Kinetic Science, Capital Institute of Physical Education, Beijing 100088,China; 2.Beijing Research Institute of Sports Science, Beijing 100075,China) Abstract:The authors surveyed and studied the cultivation objective, curriculum configuration, teaching team, teaching material construction and student employment with respect to human body kinetic science specialty, and revealed the following findings: The cultivation objective of most universities and colleges was in conformity with the objective specified in the List of and Introduction to Regular Specialties in Common Universities and Colleges issued by the Ministry of Education in 1998; curriculum configuration was quite different between universities and colleges; specialty material construction fell short of requirement; the teachers' professional title structure, educational background structure and age structure were relatively rational, but their knowledge structure needed optimization; the situation of student employment was not quite ideal, and the promotion of student employment should be strengthened according to market dema nd. Key words:specialty of human body kinetic science; education situation; specialty curriculum configuration;China
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