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张路萍 |
浏览次数 38140
(洛阳师范学院 体育系,河南 洛阳471022) 摘要:对拳击、散手运动员手部的运动损伤类型进行统计分析,介绍了几种训练和比赛中预防手部运动损伤的绷带固定防护方法。 关键词:拳击; 散手; 手部; 绷带固定防护 中图分类号:G886.1;G886.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0072-03
Methods of protection by bandaging up the hands of boxers and free style boxers ZHANG Lu-ping |
(Department of Physical Education, Luoyang Normal Institute,Luoyang 471022,China) Abstract: The author carried out a statistical analysis on the types of injury of hands of boxers and free style boxers, and introduced a few methods of protection by bandage fixing to prevent the athletes from hand injury in training and competition. Key words: boxing; free style boxing; hand; protection by bandage fixing
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