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万茹1,莫磊2 |
浏览次数 36577
(河南大学 1.体育学院; 2.公共体育部,河南 开封475001) 摘要:以2004年10月2日中超联赛“现代队罢赛”危机为例,对中国足协在本次危机处理中存在的问题进行评析,并进一步对行政管理型体育组织危机管理的原则和策略进行探讨。认为行政管理型体育组织危机管理应该遵循及时性、准确性、诚实性和积极主动性原则,并应该根据危机发展的不同时期(萌芽期、恶化期、后续期)制定相应的公关策略。 关键词:行政; 体育组织; 公共关系; 危机管理 中图分类号:G843;G812.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0026-04
Strategies of administrative management type management of crisis of relation between sports organizations and the public——Analyzing the crisis in “The Modern Soccer Team's Strike” as an example WAN Ru1, MO Lei2 |
(1.College of Physical Education; 2.Department of Public Physical Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract:By taking the crisis in “The Modern Soccer Team's Strike” occurred during China Supper Soccer League Matches on the 2nd day of October 2004 as an example,the authors reviewed the problems existed in the handling of this crisis by China Soccer Association,and further probed into the principle and strategies of administrative management type management of crisis of sports organizations. In the authors' opinions, administrative management type management of crisis of sports organizations should handle a crisis in a timely,accurate,honest and initiative fashion and establish corresponding public strategies according to different stages (initial stage, escalating stage,later stage) of development of the crisis. Key words:administration; sports organization; public relation; crisis management
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