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浏览次数 36218
(首都体育学院 理论学科部体育社会学与经济学教研室,北京100088) 摘要:对二战后奥林匹克组织体系变革的特点进行了描述和分析。布伦戴奇时期,奥林匹克“三大支柱”组织体系出现了分裂,国际奥委会与国际单项体育联合会和国家奥委会之间出现了冲突与矛盾,打破了原有的关系机制。萨马兰奇时期,与布伦戴奇时期截然相反:首先,在奥林匹克组织体系内部,国际奥委会与国际单项体育联合会和国家奥委会形成了一个紧密、有效的合作体系,重新巩固了奥林匹克的三大支柱的组织体系。其次,在奥林匹克组织体系外的国际体育舞台上,国际奥委会还与其他一些与奥林匹克运动关系不十分密切的国际体育组织建立联系。最后,在国际社会的大舞台上,国际奥委会为了使奥林匹克运动能真正地融入国际社会,分别与政府间国际组织和非政府间国际组织、跨国公司都建立了联系。 关键词:奥林匹克; 组织体系; 布伦戴奇; 萨马兰奇 中图分类号:G811.219 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0019-03
An analysis of the characteristics of change of Olympic organizational systems after World War II RU Xiu-ying |
(Teaching and Research Office of Sport Sociology and Economy, Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China) Abstract:The author described and analyzed the characteristics of change of Olympic organizational systems after World War II.During the period of Avery Brundage presidency, disintegration occurred to the “three major supporting” Olympic organizational systems; the original mechanism was broken in the relationship between International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Single Event Sports Unions (ISESU) & National Olympic Committees (NOC); conflicts and contradictions occurred. On the absolutely contrary to the period of Avery Brundage presidency,during the period of Sarmarach presidency,firstly,within Olympic organizational systems,a close and effective cooperative system was established between IOC and ISESUs & NOCs,which re-strengthened the three major supporting Olympic organizational systems; secondly,as for international sports sources beyond Olympic organizational systems,IOC also established relationships with some international sports organizations that were not very closely related to Olympic movement;lastly,in international societies,IOC established relationships respectively with governmental international organizations and non governmental organizations and transnational corporations in order to let Olympic movement truly blend in international societies. Key words: Olympic; organizational system; Avery Brundage; Sarmarach
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