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陈珂琦 |
浏览次数 36109
(人民教育出版社,北京 100009) 摘要:现代教育心理学的发展,为体育教学观念的转变、教学目标体系的构建、教学内容的选择、教学方法的改革、教学评估的确立奠定了理论基础。新课程标准《体育与健康》教科书的研究与编写应反映现代教育心理学理论研究的最新成果,应用于教科书编写的具体内容之中。 关键词:教育理论; 教育心理学; 教学目标; 体育与健康; 新课程标准 中图分类号:G807.01文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)01-0099-03 |
On the application of modern educational psychology in the textbook “Physical Education and Health”On the application of modern educational psychology in the textbook “Physical Education and Health” CHEN Ke-qi |
(People's Education Press,Beijing 100009,China) Abstract: The development of modern educational psychology has facilitated the change in the concept of Physical Education, the establishment of teaching objectives,the choices of teaching contents, reform in teaching methods and teaching assessment.The latest research results of modern educational psychology should be adopted in the research and redaction of the textbook Physical Education and Health compiled in compliance with the new curriculum standards. Key words:educational theories; education psychology; teaching objectives; physical education and health; the new curriculum standand |
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