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盛昌繁1,王洪妮1,解毅飞2 |
浏览次数 36332
(1.临沂师范学院 体育系,山东 临沂276005; 2.曲阜师范大学 体育学院,山东 曲阜273165) 摘要:为了解山东省农村中小学生体育锻炼的习惯,对山东省农村部分中小学生体育锻炼习惯的影响因素进行调查,结果发现山东省农村中小学校体育教学、器材设施和管理理念是影响学生体育锻炼习惯的重要因素,其中教师与学生的体育行为起导向作用,学生的自身因素占主导地位,而家庭支持因素和社区协助因素的协调作用不明显。 关键词:农村; 中小学生; 体育锻炼习惯; 山东省 中图分类号:G812.42;G807.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0108-03 |
Investigation on the factors that affect the physical exercise habit of elementary and middle school students in rural areas in Shandong province SHENG Chang-fan1,WANG Hong-ni1, XIE Yi-fei2 |
(1.Derparterment of physical Education, Linyi Teachers Institute, Linyi 276005,China;2.College of Phsical Education, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165,China) Abstract: In order to gain insights into the physical exercise habit of elementary and middle school students in rural areas in Shandong province, the authors investigated the factors that affect the physical exercise habit of elementary and middle school students in rural areas in Shandong province, and revealed the following findings: Physical education teaching, equipment and facilities as well as management conception with respect to elementary and middle schools in rural areas in Shandong province were the important factors that affected the physical exercise habit of the students, among which the sports behavior of the teachers and students played the guiding rule, the factor of the students themselves performed a dominating function, while the coordinating role of the factors of family support and community assistance was not remarkable. Key words: rural area; elementary and middle school students; physical excise habit; Shandong Province |
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