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蒋新苗1,熊任翔2 |
浏览次数 36069
(1.湖南师范大学 法学院,湖南 长沙410081; 2.湖南省广播电视大学 法律系,湖南 长沙410004) 摘要:指出了我国“电视转播”常在“转播”和“直播”两种意义上使用的现象,然后介绍了国际上通行的“电视转播”的概念,由此得出“电视转播权”概念。根据这一概念,对体育比赛电视转播权的法律性质进行了阐述,认为体育比赛电视转播权部分属于普通的无形财产权,部分属于知识产权。 关键词:电视转播;电视转播权;知识产权;法律性质 中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0022-04
Proving into the demarcation between TV broadcast right and intellectual property right of sports games JIAN Xin-miao, XIONG Ren-xiang |
(1.School of Law,Hunnan Normal University,Changsha 410081,China;2.Department of Law,Hunan Television and Radio University,Changsha 410004,China) Abstract:The authors pointed out the phenomenon that “TV broadcast” was often referred to as “relay broadcast” or “direct broadcast” in China, and then introduced the internationally applicable concept of “TV broadcast”, thus deriving the concept of “TV broadcast right”. According to this concept, the authors expatiated on the legal nature of TV broadcast right of sports games,and considered that a part of TV broadcast right of sports games was ordinary intangible property right, while the other part of it was intellectual property right. Key words: TV broadcast; TV broadcast right; intellectual property right; legal nature
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